Thank You, Friday...

... for FINALLY getting here.
You are by far the best day of the week.

I made those Nutella Cinnamon Rolls.
I could have eaten the entire pan.
But I didn't.
I was nice and saved some for the hubs.
That's a huge deal.
I love sweets like no other.
And I didn't devour every single morsel.
I'm making progress you guys.

They were the easiest things to make.
Took me like five minutes to put them together and then the bake time.
Perfect for a quick, warm breakfast.

 Mine ended up looking NOTHING like hers.
But they tasted so good, I didn't care.

I took Q to the park the other day.
This is the face I got when I was trying to swing him and take a picture at the same time...

He was not impressed.
His sense of humor and personality crack me up daily!
He is working on cutting some more teeth.
I have no idea where, he refuses to let me anywhere near his mouth.

We are one step closer with our big plans.
It's so exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.
At the end of the day though, I keep praying that we won't lose sight of HIM and continue to move forward keeping that in mind.

One last picture from our park trip.
Poor boy doesn't know what to do outside.
Our lovely bi-polar weather has us indoors most days.


A lot has been going on and I just have not had time to blog.
I'm not really that sorry.
When I first started blogging I thought I needed to do it everyday so people would continue to read.
But I have realized that I blog to share my heart and a glimpse of our lives.
Not for lots of page views.
This summer will have sparse posts.
I am trying to do more with Quade since he likes to move ALL THE TIME.
So I am hoping to post once a week.
If I have something good to share that is.

Our big dream is getting closer to reality.
That means I can finally share what is going on.
It also means we are continuing to trust God's plan and it is NOT easy.

Quade turns one in July.
When did that happen?!
I can't wait for his party.
To celebrate his tiny little amazing life.
I love birthdays.
Almost as much as I love Christmas.

My season 3 of Downton Abbey came into the library this week.
I know what I'll be doing this coming rainy week.

It's a three day weekend and that means the hubs is home an extra day and we couldn't be happier.
I have nutella cinnamon rolls on the menu.
I promise to blog about them if they are delish.
I don't see how they couldn't be though.

Hope you have an amazing long weekend.
I know we need it, I'm sure you do too!

weekend re-cap

It's been a long time since I have written.
Ok, not like super long.
But long enough.
After we got back from our trip out west, it was all about trying to play catch up at home.
Getting Q back into a schedule.
You know, the fun stuff!
Our trip was wonderful.
San Francisco is amazing.
Q was absolutely perfect.
The wedding was emotional and beautiful.

This weekend was perfect.
It was my first Mother's Day and I felt so blessed.
We started off Friday with a date night and it is what our marriage needed.
Such a peaceful night.
Saturday consisted of omelets for breakfast and a meeting with the hubs mentor.
The meeting went better than expected.
CAN'T WAIT to tell more!
Sunday morning involved scones and a BOGO at Caribou.
Church, and delicious brunch cooked by hubs.
Planting some flowers, or attempting to.
Grilled kabobs and celebrating my sweet mother-in-law.
It was a perfect weekend.

Ready for a picture overload?
Pictures from our trip and this weekend.

little moments

I tried a new Pandora station today and it brought back so many sweet memories.
Songs from our wedding played.
And I remembered how terrified and excited I was.
When I saw his face I was crying so hard.
I had no idea what came over me, but once we touched hands...
I stopped.
He made me feel safe.
At home.
Don't get me wrong.
We have had our fair share of disagreements and arguments.
But when those sweet songs come on, I remember why I said yes.
Why I choose to do life with him.

our first dance

what our attendants walked down to 

Sometimes it takes a little reminding, and that's ok.


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