that one time I craved cake and had no eggs...

I tend to want to make things spur of the moment.
Which means I don't have all the ingredients.
So I have to find recipes with things I DO have.

I was craving cake like mad Friday night and NEEDED it.
I asked the hubs if I could go to the store quick and buy a cake.
His answer was no.
I don't need it, he said.
My eyes bulged and I said, "BUT I'M PREGNANT!"
That didn't seem to matter.

My mind starts working overload as I try and figure out how to get a cake.
Without eggs.
Because I just used the last two this morning.
Then I remember I think I pinned a vegan chocolate cake.
Vegans don't eat eggs, right?
Ok, but what other weird things will the recipe call for in place of eggs and because it's vegan?
So I start searching my board and find the recipe and grit my teeth in anticipation as I am reading the ingredients.

Baking soda and powder.
Nothing weird.

I start preparing right away.
At 6:45 p.m.
The hubs comes over to me and looks over my shoulder and says,
"Are you really making a cake?"
Me: "Um yes. And you can't have ANY because you told me I couldn't go and get one!'
Hubs: "But you are getting a cake anyways. So don't you win?"
Me: "Well yes but you were mean so you can't have any. OH! And I am making something new so that means I am doing one of my resolutions!!" (more on that later)
Hubs: "Um yeah ok? Right! So I get a piece."
Me: Silence

So long story short.
I made a cake.
All thanks to this woman.
And this recipe.
Without eggs.
And her pictures are prettier than mine, so I didn't take any.

Simple Vegan Chocolate Cake
by: Joy the Baker

2 1/4 c. all-purpose flour

1/2 c/ cocoa powder

1 1/2 c. sugar

1t. baking soda

1/4t. baking powder

1/2t. salt

1 c. warm coffee

1/2 c plus 1T. vegetable oil

2t. vanilla extract

small handful of chocolate chunks and/or cocoa nibs (optional)

I keep trying to write out the directions, however, safari keeps shutting down on me. 
So go here for the rest of the recipe.
My apologies!
My husband would tell me to stop using Safari and use chrome.
Yeah, yeah.

finding my place

It's been since August since I last wrote a post.
I'm ok with that. 
A lot has changed and I'm trying to still figure out where and when to do everything in a day. 
I just don't think there are enough hours in a day. 
And I am NOT willing to wake up any earlier than I do and I just can't stay awake past nine. 
So looks like I'll continue to figure out how to make things work with the hours I have. 

I tend to feel like during nap time I need to get all my stuff done.
Why wouldn't I?
I finally have some alone time and I can hurry and get everything done. 
But that wouldn't leave me with any 'me' time. 
No time for things I like because I'm trying to get everything else done. 
And I felt guilty for wanting to complete a craft. 
Or blog post. 
Or sit down and have a HOT cup of coffee. 
Or even just nap. 
I'm slowly starting to realize that it's ok to give my to do list 30-45 minutes of my undivided attention and then do what I want. 
Even if that is watch an episode of Downton. 
Especially now with baby girl on her way in June, I'm sure I'll even have less time. 

Any mommas out there have any advice on not feeling the guilt and still trying to achieve check marks on that dang to do list?! 
I'm all ears.

P.S. If you didn't already know We are expecting baby #2!
SHE is due beginning of June.
Or end of May.
Or mid June.
Whenever she wants I guess.


christmas in the UP Michigan

Q's very first sucker!


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