Thanks for nothing. And now I am even more sick from coming into your germ infested clinic.
What if I told you there is something you could do to help prevent a cold? Or if you feel like you are getting one, lessen it before it debilitates you?
Yes. I am talking about essential oils. Young Living to be exact. Yeah, I'm on that train. But because it works. I was slightly skeptic and hesitant to try it but I wanted to give it a go if it meant I could keep my babies healthy and it was natural and not loaded with junk.
I'll go more into depth about my decision on oils and what they have done for our family in a different post. This one is dedicated on trying to gear us up for the cold and flu season.
You feel like you have a cold coming on. Now what?
First off, put thieves in the middle part on the bottom of your feet. Why? Because in the middle of your feet there are pathways to your trachea, bronchial, lung and esophagus. Thieves is a highly antiviral and antiseptic oil. It helps the body protect from flu, candida, colds, etc. It can also help with sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, coughs, strep and sore throats. It's pretty much magic in a bottle.
Ok, but you now have an actual cold and it's making your life miserable.
15 drops of Raven- helps upper respiratory problems and viral infections.
15 drops of RC- helps against allergies, colds, bronchitis, respiratory congestion, flu, sore throat, mucus
5 drops of Lemon- antiseptic, anti fungal, antiviral
10 drops of Peace and Calming- stress, tension, insomnia
Rub on chest, throat and neck. You can also diffuse this mixture.
You can also take your thieves, dilute as necessary, and apply to throat and chest area. It helps to dissolve excess mucus and reduces inflammation.
If your cough is allergy related, take your Purification oil, diffuse it and place 1-2 drops in bowl of hot water and inhale vapors.
You feel like you are starting to see signs of the flu. Now what?
Put Oregano on the same spot as you would Thieves. Oregano is antibacterial, anti fungal and helps with viral infections and sore throat. It also helps your muscles and bones which we know is affected during the flu.
Put Peppermint in water. Peppermint is great for sore throats.
And put Thieves on neck and throat. We already discussed why thieves is the
So there you go. Information overload. I know it's hard to wrap your head around something so different. I was all, "I'm sick. I'll go to the doctor. They will give me medicine. I will feel better." But seriously, oils are just as easy, better for you and WAY less money in the long run.
Obviously doctors are amazing for some things. I am in no way a doctor or am I saying oils are the only way. I am however saying, try oils first. If it works great. If it doesn't go to the doctor.
I would love to answer any of your questions on this. If you don't understand something, ask. If you want more information on something, ask. I am an open book. And if I don't know, I'll ask.
The great thing about a lot of these oils mentioned, is that they are in the everyday oils kit. Oh, and so is the diffuser. So win win.
Let me know if you want more info on how to sign up and how to start taking back your health, in a natural, non toxic way.
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