7 Months

Adeline Cecelia. Where do I even begin with you?! I honestly was worried that I couldn't love another child like your brother, but you proved me wrong.
Your smile is so contagious. It is so so big. It fits the rest of you very well.
You love to watch your brother and talk to him. You get irritated with him quickly though when he is being too loud or hovering around you.
You are finally letting more people hold you. You now let Daddy, Oma, Auntie Sophie, Gram and Papa. Sometimes a few other people get you on a lucky minute. But it's a rare occasion.
You have started to hate all your toys and only want your brothers.
You still like to be in your jumper. But let us know AS SOON as you are over it.
You still don't have much of a night schedule. I can count on you waking up at least once during the night to eat.
No rolling yet. You did it once and then never again. We think it is because you are too fat and it is just too much work for you. Same with crawling. You have no interest. But you have been sitting up by yourself like a champ since 5 months.
No teeth. But you chew and drool on EVERYTHING!
You are getting the hang of the whole eating solids thing. Pretty much everything I've given you, you've liked. No surprise there.
You don't smile a ton. Or really laugh. You are super observant and like to study people vs smile at them. Although you have started to do a fake laugh/chuckle. It is seriously hilarious.

Anybody that sees you comments on how beautiful you are and we couldn't agree more. You have so many people that love you, sweet girl.


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