Let's talk about colds

Ugh. Tis the season for super awesome colds. Runny noses. Sinus pressure. You know what I am talking about. Then you go to the doctor and they are all like, "Oh, it's viral and there isn't anything we can do for you. But we are going to bill you a bagillion dollars for telling you that."

Thanks for nothing. And now I am even more sick from coming into your germ infested clinic.

What if I told you there is something you could do to help prevent a cold? Or if you feel like you are getting one, lessen it before it debilitates you?

Yes. I am talking about essential oils. Young Living to be exact. Yeah, I'm on that train. But because it works. I was slightly skeptic and hesitant to try it but I wanted to give it a go if it meant I could keep my babies healthy and it was natural and not loaded with junk.

I'll go more into depth about my decision on oils and what they have done for our family in a different post. This one is dedicated on trying to gear us up for the cold and flu season.

You feel like you have a cold coming on. Now what?
First off, put thieves in the middle part on the bottom of your feet. Why? Because in the middle of your feet there are pathways to your trachea, bronchial, lung and esophagus. Thieves is a highly antiviral and antiseptic oil. It helps the body protect from flu, candida, colds, etc. It can also help with sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, coughs, strep and sore throats. It's pretty much magic in a bottle.

Ok, but you now have an actual cold and it's making your life miserable.
15 drops of Raven- helps upper respiratory problems and viral infections.

15 drops of RC- helps against allergies, colds, bronchitis, respiratory congestion, flu, sore throat, mucus

5 drops of Lemon- antiseptic, anti fungal, antiviral

10 drops of Peace and Calming- stress, tension, insomnia

Rub on chest, throat and neck. You can also diffuse this mixture.
You can also take your thieves, dilute as necessary, and apply to throat and chest area. It helps to dissolve excess mucus and reduces inflammation.

If your cough is allergy related, take your Purification oil, diffuse it and place 1-2 drops in bowl of hot water and inhale vapors.

You feel like you are starting to see signs of the flu. Now what?
Put Oregano on the same spot as you would Thieves. Oregano is antibacterial, anti fungal and helps with viral infections and sore throat. It also helps your muscles and bones which we know is affected during the flu.

Put Peppermint in water. Peppermint is great for sore throats.

And put Thieves on neck and throat. We already discussed why thieves is the bomb.com

So there you go. Information overload. I know it's hard to wrap your head around something so different. I was all, "I'm sick. I'll go to the doctor. They will give me medicine. I will feel better." But seriously, oils are just as easy, better for you and WAY less money in the long run.

Obviously doctors are amazing for some things. I am in no way a doctor or am I saying oils are the only way. I am however saying, try oils first. If it works great. If it doesn't go to the doctor.

I would love to answer any of your questions on this. If you don't understand something, ask. If you want more information on something, ask. I am an open book. And if I don't know, I'll ask.

The great thing about a lot of these oils mentioned, is that they are in the everyday oils kit. Oh, and so is the diffuser. So win win.

Let me know if you want more info on how to sign up and how to start taking back your health, in a natural, non toxic way.

recently I've been...

yes I am writing two posts in a day. Mainly because a friend is making me (HI SARAH!!!) and the babies are cooperating. So now you get a post of what is going on. It's fun.

Making: um, food? I cook dinner pretty much every night. So that is about it. I would love to say I have a few crafts I am working on, but not at this time. I may try and get a fall wreath up. We shall see.

Cooking: easy things. Like 30 mins or less. Oh, and I just made this. You're welcome. Peanut butter lovers unite!!! Warning… do not continue to look through her blog. You will make all the sweets and gain all the pounds. You have been warned!!

Drinking: Coffee. Water. That's it, folks! Oh, and some wine. Because obviously!!

Reading: We just started BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) this Wednesday and will be studying the Life of Moses. So that is about all I have time for when it comes to reading.

Wanting: A more simplified wardrobe. I have been reading this blog and am so inspired by her taking the leap into only a 37 piece capsule wardrobe. I'm shooting for 40. And it is dang hard. However, I am determined. I have so been wanting a more simplified home and lifestyle. It's just been on my heart and I am trying so hard to make it happen. I really do want this book though. I have heard it is amazing.

Looking: forward to my very first Essential Oils class I will be teaching. I have been wanting to have a class for a super long time, but I kinda had a baby. Then lost my mind trying to figure out how to parent two babies. Heck, still losing my mind. But with fall and LOTS of germs, I figured now would be a great time to have one so my peeps can stay healthy. Who says peeps? Ugh, sorry.

Playing: Taylor Swift "Shake it off" Best. Song. Ever. Dance party every single time it is on.

Wasting: Precious moments dreaming about traveling. I want a more simplified everything so we can start putting money towards traveling. Like to here would be great!

Sewing: Not lately. I do need to fix Adeline's curtains though. So maybe next year? ha

Wishing: I had a latte maker. Or time to exercise more.

Enjoying: Baby grins. And Q being able to put some words together. That kid is hilarious. When he isn't being naughty. 

Liking: My new dining room table. Husband made it and did an AMAZING job. It's farmhouse style and I love that we will be eating at for years to come and he built it with his own two hands. Swoon.

Wondering: how long I have until one child wakes up and this post is cut short.

Loving: The cooler temps. I wish summer could last forever, but I hate bugs. And humidity. So fall it is!

Hoping: So much. That my marriage would continue to grow stronger. I could be consistent in discipling and do it in love and biblically. That we could get out of debt faster. That someone would bring me a Caribou coffee.

Marveling: um. I don't know. Oh, maybe that God thought it would be a good idea to give me two babies. Sometimes I just don't understand, but then I think, there is a bigger plan than I can see. So I keep goin and pray a little harder for sanity.

Needing: More girlfriend time. I miss it. 

Smelling: Thieves diffusing. COLDS WILL NOT GET US DOWN! If I write it in all caps, obviously it will come true. 

Wearing: jeans. striped long sleeve. flannel. these earrings. and these shoes. 

Following: simplicity blogs.

Opening: nothing. I wish I had good mail to look forward too. It's like Christmas.

Ok, hope you all enjoyed and weren't too bored!! 

since I've been gone...

Yes, I am singing the Kelly Clarkson song "Since you've been gone" right now in my head.
You are too now.
You're welcome.

Well. It has been quite some time since I have last posted.
On purpose.
I didn't want to write anymore.
I didn't want to carve out more of my day for a blog post.
To spill my guts when I already felt like I had nothing left in me by the end of the day.
But here I am.
I guess I kinda miss it.
Spilling my guts that is.
Not carving out even more of my day.

I had another baby.
Her name is Adeline Cecelia.
And she is pretty awesome.
Being a Mom to two babies is…. um…. challenging.
Like, how do people with more than two children do it?!?!?!
No thanks.
I'll stick with two.

Q is 2.
Acting like 15.
Dude has some attitude.
We are woking on discipline and obeying.
hahahahahahahahaha it's going awesome.

Here is a picture of our Addie girl.

that one time I craved cake and had no eggs...

I tend to want to make things spur of the moment.
Which means I don't have all the ingredients.
So I have to find recipes with things I DO have.

I was craving cake like mad Friday night and NEEDED it.
I asked the hubs if I could go to the store quick and buy a cake.
His answer was no.
I don't need it, he said.
My eyes bulged and I said, "BUT I'M PREGNANT!"
That didn't seem to matter.

My mind starts working overload as I try and figure out how to get a cake.
Without eggs.
Because I just used the last two this morning.
Then I remember I think I pinned a vegan chocolate cake.
Vegans don't eat eggs, right?
Ok, but what other weird things will the recipe call for in place of eggs and because it's vegan?
So I start searching my board and find the recipe and grit my teeth in anticipation as I am reading the ingredients.

Baking soda and powder.
Nothing weird.

I start preparing right away.
At 6:45 p.m.
The hubs comes over to me and looks over my shoulder and says,
"Are you really making a cake?"
Me: "Um yes. And you can't have ANY because you told me I couldn't go and get one!'
Hubs: "But you are getting a cake anyways. So don't you win?"
Me: "Well yes but you were mean so you can't have any. OH! And I am making something new so that means I am doing one of my resolutions!!" (more on that later)
Hubs: "Um yeah ok? Right! So I get a piece."
Me: Silence

So long story short.
I made a cake.
All thanks to this woman.
And this recipe.
Without eggs.
And her pictures are prettier than mine, so I didn't take any.

Simple Vegan Chocolate Cake
by: Joy the Baker

2 1/4 c. all-purpose flour

1/2 c/ cocoa powder

1 1/2 c. sugar

1t. baking soda

1/4t. baking powder

1/2t. salt

1 c. warm coffee

1/2 c plus 1T. vegetable oil

2t. vanilla extract

small handful of chocolate chunks and/or cocoa nibs (optional)

I keep trying to write out the directions, however, safari keeps shutting down on me. 
So go here for the rest of the recipe.
My apologies!
My husband would tell me to stop using Safari and use chrome.
Yeah, yeah.

finding my place

It's been since August since I last wrote a post.
I'm ok with that. 
A lot has changed and I'm trying to still figure out where and when to do everything in a day. 
I just don't think there are enough hours in a day. 
And I am NOT willing to wake up any earlier than I do and I just can't stay awake past nine. 
So looks like I'll continue to figure out how to make things work with the hours I have. 

I tend to feel like during nap time I need to get all my stuff done.
Why wouldn't I?
I finally have some alone time and I can hurry and get everything done. 
But that wouldn't leave me with any 'me' time. 
No time for things I like because I'm trying to get everything else done. 
And I felt guilty for wanting to complete a craft. 
Or blog post. 
Or sit down and have a HOT cup of coffee. 
Or even just nap. 
I'm slowly starting to realize that it's ok to give my to do list 30-45 minutes of my undivided attention and then do what I want. 
Even if that is watch an episode of Downton. 
Especially now with baby girl on her way in June, I'm sure I'll even have less time. 

Any mommas out there have any advice on not feeling the guilt and still trying to achieve check marks on that dang to do list?! 
I'm all ears.

P.S. If you didn't already know We are expecting baby #2!
SHE is due beginning of June.
Or end of May.
Or mid June.
Whenever she wants I guess.


christmas in the UP Michigan

Q's very first sucker!


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