a heavy heart

For the past couple of weeks I have been feeling really low.
Maybe it's the weather.
Maybe it's because I hardly get out of the house.
I'm not really sure.

Then I feel guilty for being upset about...
not having all the things in my wardrobe that I want.
not having the money to re-decorate every single room in my house.
not having money to go out on a date once a week.
not being the perfect wife/mom.

But then I remember...
at least I have clothes.
at least I have a home. warm. full of memories and things I love.
at least I have a loving husband who doesn't mind spending nights in with me.
my son thinks I am pretty amazing... that's what I tell myself anyways.

I am so sick of feeling like 'poor me'
I know it is only Satan.
Every time I tend to be on the right path for the Lord,
I get slammed by the devil.
Thinking awful things about myself and feeling like I am not enough.
The devil knows EXACTLY how to work in you.
In the past I would continue on this lonely journey.
But now...
now I know the truth.
And every. single. day. I remind myself of all the blessings I have.

I choose to stay home with my crazy, sweet boy.
That also means we make sacrifices.
But I believe we followed what the Lord wanted us to do.
Because of that we have seen so many wonderful, beautiful blessings.
I am in NO means ungrateful.
Please know that.
Just lately it seems that I want... more.

But when I look out this window while making my family dinner...

I take a DEEP breath.
Thank the Lord for all I have.
And remember I could have it a lot worse.

Happy weekend, friends.
Take time to thank the Lord for everything you have.

1 comment:

  1. We all feel this way from time to time dear. It's our sin nature of always wanting more and not being content with what we have. Thankfully, you know what you have is priceless and that you are very blessed. Keep your eyes of Jesus and you'll be more than fulfilled. I love you sweetie! ~Mom



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