being an encouragement

I recently went to our local library to check out a few parenting books.
I asked the librarian if she could point me in the right direction. 
She was in her mid 40's and she smiled politely and showed me the way.
She asked if I was looking for anything in particular and I told her some sleep aid books...
preferably no-cry method. 
She looked at me and said, 
"How old is he?"
"8 months."
"Is he still nursing?!"
"Yes he is."
"Oh. Well good luck with that." In a not so very nice tone.

Here is the thing.
Becoming a Mom has been amazing.
I kinda thought that I would join this un-spoken club for Moms.
You know, the one that lets you lean on everyone's shoulders and pats you on the back and says it's going to be ok?
Does that not exist? 
Well, I still have hope.

It is really discouraging for fellow Mom's to turn their nose up at you and give you the brush off.
Yes, lots of advice can be overwhelming.
But sometimes the easiest thing to do, even if you don't agree with their parenting choice, is to say...
"I really hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck with everything!"
A little smile even goes a long way.

This goes for anything really.
So often we are so quick to say something to disagree with someone, or put them down.
Sometimes it's just enough to put the other person off the edge.
Where is the compassion in that?
Where is the helping hand?

I really hope that this week, before you say something to disagree with someone, you think...
What good is this going to do me?
Yes, it can be hard to be silent sometimes, but the old saying goes...
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

Have a beautiful week friends.
I don't know about you, but this time change is kinda kicking my butt.
I'm off for another cup of coffee. 


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