After we hung up she texted me and said,
"You sound tired. Do you need a break?"
I wanted to text her back and say,
"I am tired. I do need a break. I need help."
But I was too prideful.
And I felt guilty.
This is my job now,
I have to tough it out.
I ended up replying,
"I'm ok. Thank you though."
She came back with,
"I can give you guys $30 for dinner and I can come over and watch Quade."
Another chance for help.
Just earlier that day I told the hubs how I needed some alone time with him.
Needed it to just be him. and me.
For just a few hours.
I was still too prideful to accept her offer.
After much convincing, I finally accepted.
I still felt guilty.
I was strong, I could do this!
But the truth was...
I needed a break BAD!
And that was ok!
She came over.
Took my babe with open arms and ushered us off to dinner.
And it was lovely.
Here's the thing I need to let go of...
Just because I need a few hours alone with my husband, doesn't make me a bad momma.
To ask for help and accept it with grace is actually being a good momma.
I need to let go of my pride and actually say what I need.
I need to try and stop being a people pleaser.
jalapeño stuffed with cream cheese wrapped with bacon. oh. my. word.
looks deadly and delish.
then we came home and I could enjoy this silly moment.
as I was getting ready for bed, I heard a "clomp, clomp, clomp"
and my babe was crawling to me.
big smile.
so proud of himself.
and we sat in the bathroom.
all four of us.
and soaked in the little moments.
and I remembered why I love this new title of momma.
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