
I wanted to start a blog for an outlet.
I tend to keep my thoughts to myself and be a follower...
all it has really gotten me is a heavy heart and the feeling I am a let down to my Savior.
I don't want to be like that anymore. 
I am always afraid I will hurt someone's feelings or rock the boat too much.
But seriously?! A lot of people don't think twice when they say something.
They stand up for what they believe in.
They are passionate. 
They want the world to know.
Well I do too. 
But my thoughts.
My beliefs.
My passion.
Is not of this world.
So it upsets people. 
Makes them angry.
Makes them uncomfortable.
But God has a way of doing that to people.
People say, "Times have changed! Things are different now!"
But God hasn't. 
He is constant.
He is the same today as He was when He created time.
So here it is. 
This blog will probably make people uncomfortable.
I may even lose friends over it. 
Maybe no one will even read it. 
But that really is ok.
Because I don't want to be quiet anymore.
And this is the beginning. 
Not everything I post will be so heavy.
I am just giving you a heads up...
it's about to get real!

And to lighten the mood a bit...
here is my handsome little boy. 

1 comment:

  1. Kelli~

    I for one am extemely proud of you for so many reasons. For taking a stand, for standing up for what is true and right and good, for being honest, sharing your heart, sharing your faith, for not being afraid anymore to show people who you really are and what you believe. I applaud you dear daughter. Not only am I proud, but God is as well. I look forward to reading what He puts on your heart to share. I love you!




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